I would recommend continuing cranberry extract, high doses of Vitamin C (3-4grams), lots of water, olive leaf extract and unsweetened cranberry juice. If it is an advanced UTI that you've had for a while and haven't been able to get rid of, seeing a medical practitioner (nurse-midwife or physician) would be a good idea, since simple UTIs can develop into kidney problems. In the future, do continue a preventative regimen, including the water and Vitamin C at lower doses and cranberry, but also focusing on wearing loose cotton undergarments and (I know I don't need to say this, but I will) wiping from front to back only. If you've had recurrent UTIs, consider getting a little bowl or pot to keep next to the toilet, to fill with water and rinse yourself with after eliminating. Another option is to hop into the shower and just rinse around your urethra. Research from Iran shows that this lowers UTI rates, by flushing away bacteria at the opening, and therefore preventing their upward travel. This is the method that Muslims use.
Good luck!
S. Craig, LM