Could you be pregnant? Pressure from the uterus could be causing the sensation (either pregnancy or something else). Hope the doctor solves the issue for you!
My mom says that I have had them when I was younger but since I've been an adult, I haven't had any known problems. Today I had this weird sensation that someone was pressing on the top of my pubic bone. Throughout the day it has turned from a sensation to a pain. It hurts more when I stand and feels better after I urinate but not gone. I don't have any other symptoms; no burning, cloudy urine, etc. Could this still be a UTI? Any other ideas as to what it might be? I have a doctors appointment tomorrow but just wondering if anyone else has had this happen. Thanks a ton!
If I were pregnant that would be a suprise to me. I am faithfully on birth control pills and am expecting my period next Thursday. I went to the doctor and he had not a clue. My urine was negative for infections. We decided that since it felt a lil better this morning that I would wait over the weekend and if it wasn't better on Monday to get an ultrasound of my pelvis. Thanks for the advice!
Could you be pregnant? Pressure from the uterus could be causing the sensation (either pregnancy or something else). Hope the doctor solves the issue for you!
I don't want to freak you out, because it's probably not this, but I still need to share... I was having pressure on top of my pubic bone, and I sort of ignored it until I went in for my annual exam. My nurse practitioner said something didn't feel right (she felt a mass up there) so she had me get a pelvic ultra-sound just to see. Turns out I had a uterine fibroid tumor (benign) growing on top of the outside of my uterus - the size of a baking potato, and it was pushing on everything in there, pushing down on my bladder, etc. So thankfully I had surgery and had it removed, and it was no big deal. But I was so grateful for a nurse practitioner that was so knowledgeable and on the ball.
google SPD symphysis pubic dysfunction. I have worked w/ women pregnant and post pregnant who had this problem. Pregnancy and/or an injury to your pubic bone can cause pain as you are describing. I had one young woman who had a staph infection in the ligament and was in severe pain. Just something you might want to research. good luck
the only time i ever experienced a sensation like that is when i was pregnant. expecially the feeling better after i urinate..
I get UTI's often and I haven't experienced what you are. Not to say that you aren't experiencing a UTI... glad you have a doc appointment to find out for sure. My symptoms are usually a frequent feeling of needing to urinate, painful urination, a crampy and very unformtable feeling in my stomach. Sometimes I almost feel flu-like in a sense that I don't want to move.... I prefer to just curl up in bed and not move! I hope all goes well at your appointment. If it is a UTI a simple dose of antibiotics will clear it up and you'll feel SO much better within a day! Drink lots of water reguardless. Best wishes!
It's good you're going to get checked out. In the meantime, I would drink lots of cranberry juice, preferably unsweetened if you can. It works wonders for UTI's (and is of course safe to drink regardless).