Yes, they usually do want you to stop breast feeding while preggers... I think the logic behind it is that you then have 2 babys taking nutrition out of you and you / baby in utero could end up becoming affected if you are depleated of nutrition. I know I get EXHAUSTED when preggers. It would take a lot out of you to soley nurse a baby on top of it. BUT since you are already on the road to weaning and baby one can get nutrition from outside sources there shouldn't be a reason to stop cold.
Yes, the "mini" pill is a progesterine only pill and it is given to women who are nursing and don't want to get pregnant again.
I am not sure what you mean by pediatrition says there are no studies to say its safe... Whats safe?
Are you on the insert now or was it from before the IVF? I would have to assume from your next question about it passing thru breast milk that you are on it now...
I do think that it passes thru the milk. My now 21 month old went on a nursing strike and had weight gain issues right after I went on the "mini " pill. I think it changed the taste of the milk and he didn't like it anymore...
I have no experience with IVF so I do not know what the purpose of the insert is in relation to that.
Congrats on number #2!!