When my son was very young he would spike fevers of 103/104 when ill.
Per my doctor's recommendation, I would give him BOTH ibuprofen and acetaminophen at one time, then alternate based on recommended dosage - I think acetaminophen is every 4 hours and ibuprofen is every six. So after the initial dose of both together, they alternated. I.e., initial dose at noon, then acetaminophen at 4, and ibuprofen at 6.
I kept a chart on the fridge and clocked out what times to give what based on the time of the initial dose - I did this because (1) I would get tired and confused dealing with a sick little one and (2) even if his temp checked as normal, if i skipped a dose he would spike back up, sometimes within as little as an hour.
Give her the tylenol. Then make a time chart based and begin giving her both, alternating according to the recommended dosage times.
The other thing I would do with my son was to keep his hair damp - heat escapes through the scalp and a damp head will actually hasten it. I would also bath him in lukewarm water to cool him down - never cold water - that can shock their systems. And, yes, both of these "treatments" where doctor approved :)
Good Luck
Sending hugs your way.