Check out It is a breastfeeding advice site. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they have advice to help you dry up too. Basically, from what I understand about the cabbage is that you just put cold cabbage leaves in your bra and then replace them as they lose the chill. I don't know if the cabbage actually does anything or if the cold just helps with the pain. From my perspective, the easiest way to wean is to do it slowly. Start replacing one nursing session with a bottle and when the discomfort from that goes, replace another session. if you do decide to wean cold-turkey, cabbage leaves and ibuprophen my help with the discomfort. If you have a breastpump, you can also just pump enough to not be miserable. After a few days of that, your supply will tank and you should be able to do it less and less and less. I went back to work when my son was 6 weeks old so I nursed and pumped until he was 16 months old (he was slow to get into solids so I pumped longer than I would have otherwise). I then nursed at night until he was around 23 months (a long time, I know). Each time I wanted to reduce my milk supply, it only took a couple of days, less than a week really, to do it. If you do it right, it doesn't hurt so bad. I've also heard that sage (the herb) will reduce your milk supply. And I've heard that many moms start drinking sage tea when they start to wean. It is worth a try. The point is to not suffer any more than necessary (preferably not at all). FWIW, I had a HEALTHY milk supply when I quit pumping. I was pumping more than 10 ounces at a session and I was still able to quickly reduce my supply and quit pumping when I wanted to without being miserable. It really is possible.