My daughter played Upward basketball for two years...it was several years ago. It is a good program to learn the basics in a good environment. They teach about basketball with a religious overtone. They do ask your child (in my experience) if they go to church (only on the first day) They have bible verse they give the kids to learn each week at practice. They have the kids recite it the next week. They focus on teaching good sportsmanship, having a Christian attitude and the basics of the game...they don't keep score theat I remember. Each week after the game the kids get stars after the game. Each star has a different meaning (good sportsmanship, most teamwork etc) and those get put on their shirts/uniforms.
They also have someone speak during half time and give some type of witness to what God has done for them in their life etc.
We were not going to church at the time. It was not pushy "COME TO OUR CHURCH" it was hey lets learn about and play some ball and by the way if you want to learn more about our church or God, let us know. We are here for you anytime. I didn't feel pressured, the half time stories were actually pretty awesome. At the end of the basketball season they have a nice gift and put on some type of show (someone brought in)
That's my experience...they may do it differently in VA. It's definitely a good program from my experience though.