i feel ur pain. my daughter is the same way and she does have severe sensory issues and is blind. She is also 3 and has gotten better with time..but she also has a screaming crying fit if someone els handles her, or if she is in a new environment. Little ones dont know how to express themselves very good..and if the sensory part is off they cant input what they are feeling. children with sensory issues love swings. We rig an outdoor swing in our doorway, so when nothing is consoling her...she goes in the swing and she loves it. we also have to put her in the jumper if were really having a bad day..luckily she still small enough to go in it...but all those movements helped them organize their senses. when he is having a fit try rocking him in ur arms holding him tightly and singing. I literally squeeze my daughter and sing to her...she automatically stops screaming....i've taught everyone else whom handles her to do it also....her therapist do the same thing. read up on sensory dysfunction, its pretty common....let me give u some advice as a parent of a disabled child and a teacher...read and educate u're self on everything out there regarding sensory issues...autism is extremely over diagnosed and many children are getting wrongly diagnosed. I've been told many negative things about my girls..they were premature twins born 4 mths early...I was told my girls had brain damage, werent gonna walk,talk ..blah blah blah....one baby does have issues, major developmental delays speech and mobility..but its mostly due to the blindness ...my other daughter is in preschool at a 5yr old level. get your son assessed by a developmental dr. at the assessment there should be a physical therapist, speech therapist and occupational therapist. they will all evaluate him and conclude there findings. if you feel their evals are not correct DO NOT HESTITATE TO GO SOMEWHER ELSE..there are specialized pre schools whom will offer service for u're child..it's the law they have to provide...my little one has homebound services at the moment...but hopefully next year she can attend....hang in there ..im also a stay at home mom and my husband doesnt like dealing with the medical issues that go on...so since my girls have been home..i learned to grow some tough skin and do everything by myslef...hope the info helps...good luck and take care