I delivered with the UNT midwives in December at Harris downtown FTW. Love the UNT midwives, every one of them! The hospital, not so much. I wish very much that I had delivered at a birth center - don't know if the UNT midwives do that. At Harris, I got the natural labor and delivery I wanted, and the water birth I wanted. Harris has very large tub for birthing in, and now the UNT midwives have a bonafide birthing pool! So, every effort has been made to make the hospital natural labor and delivery friendly.
However, it's still a hospital. You will still have to deal with nurses for whom this all goes against their training. The post-partum part of the hospital was the toughest. Nurses and other staff constantly coming in to check things. It was noisy and I just wanted OUT. I left as soon as possible, almost went AMA (against medical advise) but was delayed enough to just barely make it to the 24 hr mark. If I had it to do again, I would have checked out the birth centers in the area.
A word of advice if you choose to deliver in the hospital, if you catch your own baby, then they can't take her away for all their unnecessary treatments. You get to hold her until you're ready to hand her over. For me, that was an hour of nursing and cuddling before I allowed her to be so much as weighed, and then after that I didn't give her up again for several hours.