Dear M.,
with a hemoglobin of 7, your husband will be fine. However, if it drops any lower and he has symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breaath or fatigue, he does in fact need a transfusion to prevent stroke, heart attack and kidney failure as all of those major organs require oxygen transported by hemoglobin. blood transfusions now a days are very well screened for hepc and hiv. However, there are still risks of getting the above illnesses namely 1 in 400000 for hiv and 1 in 200000 for hepc (around there). it all comes down to his hemoglobin level and symptoms. people can function at 7 and not be symptomatic often times these are chronically anemic patients though. but in your husbands case where the blood loss seems to have been acute, his compensation mechanisms may not be as conditioned and he may have symptoms.
hope that helps,