The reason they call it the terrible twos is because this is the age that they want to have more independence and yet cannot vocalize their feelings as well as they like too. She probably doesn't like the diaper changes because she doesn't like to change what she is doing until she is done doing it. My suggestion there is to get out the potty chair and tell her when she thinks she is a "big girl" she can start using the potty chair and get rid of the diapers soon. They love to be big girls at this age and she probably will like it for a bit, but might find that she doesn't want to so much.. she also may just go for the potty training full force. My little granddaughter did just that. She loved the going potty and not having to take time for diaper changes with being wiped down so she potty trained pretty easy.
Bedtime means that all the playing is done for the day. Warning her ahead of time seems to cause more stress, so my suggestion is to read her a story about bed time. Elmo's bedtime book is a great one which tells about getting ready for bed. That will calm her down, then get ready for bed and let her pick out another book. That way you are starting off with a relaxing positive and ending with a relaxing positive. Quiet night time music cd's also help. My kids loved going to sleep to sound tracks to their favorite movies or Raffie songs. There is a lot of lullaby cd's out there. It relaxes the mind and if a child has a busy mind, it is hard to sleep on their own. I know, I have one. As i got older I learned that day dreaming helps relax me enough to sleep and gives me a good direction for my dreams. While growing up I talked to relax me.. talked and talked and talked which always got me into trouble..lol