ok, so from what I hear if you contact the company that make the RX that you are having trouble paying for it most of the time they give it to you for free. My husband works on psych. med. studies and says you really have to fill out a form justifying your need (and that sounds like it would be a piece of cake for you), and that might help with those bills. 2) contact the hospital, etc...where the bills are and see if you fill out a income form if they will write any off? A lot will, the problem will come into play on the indiviual dr.'s offices, they are a bit more less likely to "write-off", so I would say just get on a low payment plan and do what you can, over time you will be in better position to deal with it but only agree to payment you can afford with out strapping yourself. That sould help with the stress, hopefully.
I don't have any idea on the job thing unless he has some skills that a temp agency might find useful and let them know rainy days only, I bet they would like somebody who will be a good worker, etc...
Good luck, OCD for what I understand can be very hard to deal with.
One note on the side - I realize you do what you have to, but try and find something (a bubble bath, a night to go to bed early, a stiff drink :) every once in a while to reward yourself for getting thru the day and all you are dealing with). It doesn't have to cost anything, but when you can do something for you, even if it's a sit down with a heating pad for 5 min. ( I always enjoy that)