possibly.. hmm- you meaning -- for no one needs to bring gifts?
or just some ppl to bring gifts?
It would be harder if you only expect some to and some not to..
If none required just state.. perhaps something around:
-have like a potluck where they bring something to eat?
-or say its a birthday party event no gifts required, come have fun enjoy.
-share birthday celebration, and need only bring yourselves ready for fun, games
- you can even tell them the theme doesnt have to always be toys, : bedroom deocrations ( cool pillows,rug,?? :/ , ( My teenage girls wanted a bedroom theme because there were certain things I just didnt think they needed, but they wanted for their room-- they love pillows, throws, and so they got diff. from friends and now.. they will be set,for when they have their apt.. lol jkg )
-or they will be sharing the toy/s and tell ppl you already talk to and are comfortable with they should understand, - bring toy they would share,
or clothes, as they get older clothes/ shoes (needed) items get more expensive..
- shared toys: videogames, puzzles, coloring books,bath items, bedroom decor, deco pillows, giftcards, ?
hope this helps.
-(if you kids are understanding: and they already have TONs of toys, and they are willing to get rid of some,.. You can always put a box out,- On their way out kids can pick out a toy?, that way your not overwhelmed with their bedroom filled w/ toys and not enough room..
p.s- you may think : too many toys, don't need/ want more...
think of your kids- they are individual: different tastes even thogh everyone sees them as the twins..
I know.