T.V. Rotting MY Brain

Updated on September 21, 2011
K.M. asks from Silver Spring, MD
7 answers

Hello all. When I was younger I was thin, when I had my daughter I gained alot of weight. I was still very active w/her when she was young. I had my son almost 5 yrs ago and although I did not gain alot of weight w/him, I am still overweight. In March I snagged a livingsocial for a bootcamp. I love this bootcamp! It is no joke though lol. When I first started I could barely do the warm-up lap, in fact he had me doing half the distance as the others, 5 mos later it is not uncommon for me to lead the pack! I still have a ways to go to my ideal weight but I am feeling great. I nvr realized how out of shape I was. I contributed some things to my being older, stress from work etc but I now know better. I have many hobbies, but rarely do any of them. Again blaming age etc ( I'm only 33 so NOT really that old lol) but today it dawn on me....I believe the Tv and computer are rotting MY brain! I tend to watch foodnetwork, HGTV, TLC way too much. I get addicted to the farming games on facebook, plus a few others. I do suffer from occasional bouts of depression but I honestly think tv and computer are contributing to them, Sooo I decided today that neither myself or my children will watch tv during the week. I will only check email, MAMAPEDIA, facebook etc once a day and only when my children are not home. Like many others I am going through financial hard times and thought that might be the reason for my lack of interest in other things. I really think it's my brain rotting lol. Now don't get me wrong I do other things besides tv and computer but think I would be happier if I eliminated them, a bit. Have any of you ever thought/tried this? What were your results? Wish me luck ladies!!!!!

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answers from Washington DC on

lol I have thought of this but have not tried it...I am currently pregnant with my first. I have always been fairly active...but even before I was pregnant I have been watching in my opinion too much tv and my husband thinks I am addicted to the internet! - I know I even spend too much time on it when I am at work...yikes! - Good luck! I think I will follow your lead and try to cut down...let's report back Friday or Monday on how we are doing!

I don't understand why Suzanne L. keeps say things sound strange and awful to most of us...


answers from Dallas on

Only during power outages and while camping! As much as I hate to admit it, I had more energy, more free time, and thought of a lot of fun physical activities to do when forced to. I dont think tv is rotting my brain, because the shows I watch are engaging. But it does sap my time and energy and add to my dress size.



answers from Los Angeles on

We ditched cable 2 years ago and never looked back. If there is a big game or something we want to watch we try to snag and invite somewhere if its that important and bring lots of food. But gasp. I have found that those things aren't super important anyway. (haven't watched the superbowl in a while. oh big deal!) occasionally I wish I had tv to watch a special. there are some shows I watch online and even then on some of them I just don't care for anymore.



answers from Norfolk on

I have not had "t.v." in over 10 years and it is fantastic. I never thought that I was better than t.v., but that it always got the better of me! We have only one t.v. in our house and it is only used for movies. No cable, or even bunny ears. I have two boys, ages 5 & 3 and they don't know what they're missing! It takes a few weeks to get over missing your shows, and then you realize how silly they really are.

I use the Internet to follow the news, and often have the radio on, so I don't feel out of touch. I'm usually on FB daily to keep up with friends and family too.

I am an avid reader, so my downtime is spent with books, but I would suggest some kind of hobby for relaxation. Puzzles, books, crocheting....? And exercise is a great way to spend your time too!

Wishing you the best of luck with killing your t.v.!


answers from Kalamazoo on

Good Luck! And I agree with you. We watch tv during the week but it is limited. No video games during the week either. Most of tv is garbage now anyways. Kids watch one 30min show after school then the tv goes back off. Then depending on what we are doing, they can watch another 30 (sometimes 1hr) show before bed from 7-8pm. Then they brush teeth and both read to me and are tucked in by 9pm.....they are 7 and 9.


answers from Kansas City on

Over the years we had several times without TV and that was before computers in every home. The kids thought we'd be bored but they played, talked, we spent less time 'rushing' so we could watch a certain program and this sounds strange to most of you but our older sons almost blushed seeing commercials again when we were at other people's homes with women in underwear, etc. Sounds awful to some of you but it does show that you can get used to many things and not realize it. We did get TV again, have it now but no kids at home anymore, and I do think it takes much of our mind and time. I'm glad you wrote this to make me think about how much I should be watching now myself. Computer is the same now and I do try to monitor it more now but just using it all the time has made my spelling worse, my memory worse as everything I used to know is now saved on my computer ( phone numbers, addresses, etc. ). Not good for the brain.



answers from Houston on

I was going to say I limit anything that takes me away from dealing w/other people in person, but then here I am on mamapedia....

We never hooked up our cable when we first moved into our house, and never had internet and it was the best half year of our lives! We talked more, shared more, laughed more and loved more. We are huge sports fans but resigned ourselves to listening to games on the radio but we got used to it.

I would love to cancel our cable now b/c we don't watch TV during the week anyway. We watch mostly shows on Netflix, even my 6 yo. But alas, my sports loving fanatical husband couldn't do w/o it. He works hard all week so I keep it b/c he deserves that indulgence.

Gl to you! I hope you will reach all your personal goals, whatever they may be.

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