I had a tubal right after my youngest was born (June 2007), and things definitely took a while to even out for me with cycles. In fact, this past cycle for March was probably the most normal I've had since! First, I breastfed for about 3.5 months, so it took about 6 weeks after weaning my baby to get a period. The first was very heavy with lots of cramps. The two after that were very long cycles for me - about 35 days. This past period was the most "normal", like the pre-tubal days, in terms of PMS symptoms and length. I was always someone who got VERY bloated and full of awful PMS symptoms, even before kids, so those are still happening, of course! But I did notice that it took a while for things to return to "normal", even though nothing is normal after kids. Your body is getting back after being pregnant, then the tubal on top of it requires a little extra time to adjust, in my opinion and experience. If you feel like you're having totally different periods than before your youngest was born, give your dr. a call and maybe she'll have some more light to shed on it. Hope this helps!