I have raised four children, and each one slept like a baby and still does! First, you have made a terrible mistake by letting this child dictate to you how she is going to run your bedtime. You are going to have a hard time getting her down, but by following these recommendations which is what should have been done since she was a newborn infant, you will hopefully have bedtime ingrained into her schedule within a week. If you need to put her back in the crib so she doesn't get up and walk around, then do so. If she wakes up and knows she is alone! She knows you are in that house, and she knows exactly where, and she is going to cry and cry if you give in after two hours and take her to your bed! You have to begin to cut the cord and it is the hardest thing to do in the world. A full tummy sleeps better than one that has only had a treat. So be sure that daughter is really well fed, and isn't overly stimulated before you put her down, because she will continue to move around and cry and make noise if she has energy! Play before bedtime is a no no. Calming, quiet music is great, especially classical which has been proven to help children intellectually. Brahms, and other classical musicians, have been put on some very good nite nite CD's for children. Some children like to hold something small in one of their hands; the corner of a blanket, a very small toy that is soft, nothing that makes noise. Put a nitelite in the room, kist and love her before you put her down, cover her up, come up with a saying that you tell her each and every night before you leave so she grows used to the schedule and will realize that means you are leaving the room FOR GOOD, unless (of course) in the case of illness. Quietly leave the room, turn off the light, and close the door. If the door is left open leave it only slightly ajar. You don't want her speaking to people down the hall all night. First tears will come, but she will either cry herself to sleep or fall asleep out of exhaustion if she has had a filling meal, warming bath, rocking, and then putting her down as I recommend. Do not go back into the room! This may be hard, but don't stand by the door waiting for an excuse to go back in! Don't torture yourself that way! Just go into the family room or kitchen and watch tv or read a book, and let her know that it is bedtime. Every night it will be easier. By the end of one week she will know the routine, and she will be ready to sleep at that exact time! IMPORTANT! Meal, bath and bed all begin and end at same time each night. Her body is on a schedule, and you must train it to follow and expect the same thing each night. This will also teach her to trust you and that she can count on you to do the same thing for her each night. If you aren't available dad must follow the schedule. Be sure the music is on as you lay her down, by the way. Don't allow her to be too warm or too chilly. She must be warm on clean sheets with clean pajamas or gown. As comfortable as you can make her. It's really easy and it really works. Show her you love her by allowing her body to get the rest that it needs. Don't have long conversations about her pretty room, she knows what her room looks like. Just dinner, bath and tell her it's bedtime, put on the pajamas, turn on the music, put her into bed and that's that! Since you put the mattress in your bed you know of the physical dangers of a child sleeping with you, but now she is the boss because you have given in to her crying and she has you wrapped around her finger. Little girls are the same as little boys, and I have raised both. All of my children were in bed asleep at 8p.m. every night, then extra time was added as they became older. You will be surprised that after she is used to the schedule she will have trouble staying awake after your selected bedtime! This is the worst habit you could have gotten into. It will be hard to break, and you are the one that has to be firm with yourself. If you follow this schedule it will work, but if you break down in 20 or 30 minutes, you can plan on her sleeping with you for the rest of her life until SHE decides she wants her own bed, and then she is in charge of all decisions. You do not want this to happen! Get her out of your bed immediately! Good luck to all of you! Sara J.