Hi T.! I just read your message and I know how hard it can be to "connect" the same way you used to with your husband once children are in the picture! Kids are demanding, and the majority pf the time they do put at least a little strain on a marriage... But please, don't lose hope..your marriage IS WORTH working on. Divorce isn't always the answer, although Im sure (I know from expirience) alot of times it seems like the easiest thing. There is a book that my husband and I read together a while back called "Love and Respect" by Dr. Emmerson Eggrich and it has helped our marriage more than I can tell you...it is amazing. Maybe it would be nice if you guys could read a chapter every night together once the kids are settled down. I know there are a million other things that you think you need to get done, but TRUST ME..that little time you spend alone with your husband( even if its only 30 minutes)can be time to reconnect and get to know eachother again...and if you can, get a sitter for the kids every couple weeks so you and your husband can have a date night! Marriage is rough sometimes, and it takes alot of hard work, prayer, and persistance...but again, its worth iT! I hope my advice has helped at least a little...I'll be praying for you and your husband...GOOD LUCK!!!!!