I never forced my child to wean, so I cannot offer any advice except maybe your son is trying to tell you he still needs to nurse. If you are feeling engorged, it is due to trying to wean too fast. It should be one nursing session a MONTH, not per week.
Breastfeeding past the age of 6 months isn't stressful anymore, most do not leak anymore and now it's all about loving/bonding/amazing nutrition... So I'm hoping you may change your mind and allow your baby to stay a baby for awhile longer.
From what I've seen in helping Mothers to breastfeed - but not wean - is that loosing a feed once a week still causes issues with engorgement. She asked how to avoid that and the only way to avoid that is to take things REALLY slow because the Mother's body is designed to breastfeed at least 2 years.
Just read your past posts... this is your THIRD weaning question. So yes, I know you don't feel like breastfeeding for whatever purpose or reason, but I'm leaving my original post up for those Moms who are in a similar situation and need some advice to feel supported to continue rather than quit.