I really like Denise suggestion "Little Bits". But speaking of a mental block, what are boys accessories? All I can think of are belts???
Hello Moms , I am trying to find a business name for kids accesories (both boys and girls) . I want it to be gender neutral. All cute names end up sounding like they would not really cater to little boys. I would love something like "Jack and Jill" but its very common and of course taken already. I have tried playing with words like "Accessories" "Bags" Bows" etc but am at a mental block now..so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Thanks for the lovely names you have all come up with. Definitely cleared my mental block...LOL! And most are gender neutral :))
I have a boy and a girl and i want my business idea to cater to both. As a mom to a boy i have always felt that there are so many accessories for girls but limited stuff for boys. So i thought of making bags and now i am thinking even wallets for little boys. There might be many more options for boys but am not that creative yet i guess.
Million thanks again and keep the suggestions pouring. Will keep you updated on what i decide on.
I really like Denise suggestion "Little Bits". But speaking of a mental block, what are boys accessories? All I can think of are belts???
I like Denise's suggestion of 'Little Bits'...
Buttons and Bows is a local store here...
You could make it 'Buckles and Bows'
Bits and Pieces
This and That
His and Hers (for kids)
Kids Cache
Small Things
Short Stuff
All The Little Things (that's actually pretty cute)
Man, I don't know!! Hansel and Gretel? What other couple-y nursery rhymes are there?! BRAIN FART!! Good luck ;)
Snips and Snails
Little Bits
Half pints
I think you've already got it.
Your question title is Cute and Quirky.
(You even capitalized it - freudian slip?)
If that's too girly, just drop it to Quirks.
Up Off the Floor
((Sorry, the first thing that came to mind was "Things I step on in the middle of the night, and hop around swearing, but buy anyway because they're too precious not to"))
Wondering Eyes
((What to my wondering eyes should appear, aka something worth stepping on in bare feet in the middle of the night))
Where IS That Thing
((Apparently my mind is stuck))
Got That Here
((Where'd you get that?))
Buckles and Bows
finishing touches
I am not very good at this :) Good luck
Bling Things
haha, how's THAT for a mental block! I will try to think of a REAL suggestion ;-)
Mud Pies& Sugar??
Bling Bits
Bling Blitz
Glitz Blitz
Glitz Bits
Itty Bits
Snails& Ponytails
I like Hansel and Gretel, Buckles and Bows, All the Little things and Bling Things that have been suggested too. Good luck! Sounds like a fun store!
Kids Etc.
Kids Misc.
Kid Things
I like Jen C's Buckle & Bows