A troll is someone who comes on here to create trouble - anxiety - etc. posting things that are not real - for example - last year we had someone come on here and her first post was about how her brother in law (age 11) sleeps with his mother and the door is locked...then we have had a post or two about really far-fetched things...
FWIT - for what it's worth
HTH - hope that helps
IMO - in my opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion
BIL - Brother in law
SIL - Sister in law
MIL - mother in law
FIL - father in law
DH - Dear (or some other "D" word) husband
DD - Dear daughter
DS - dear son
SS - Step son
SD - step daughter
BF - breast feeding - or best friend - depends on context
LOL - laugh out loud
CIO - cry it out
There are a ton more - what else do you need?