I have a set of triplets and used several different triplet strollers. The umbrella strollers are worthless. They aren't sturdy enough for the weight of three kids. I liked my jogger stroller, it was great for walks to the park or cruising around the neighborhood. But it was too wide to fit through doorways at the mall and it barely fit in the back of my large SUV. The runabout was great for both getting into the mall and for around the neighborhood, but it has a weird vibe to it (my opinion). I always felt like it looked like a wheelchair for multiples instead of a stroller. And I always got strange looks--it just has that "medically necessary" look to it. I know that probably sounds weird--and I know other people who love them. Just my opinion...
Anyway--I guess it just depends on how you plan to use it. But I would definitely encourage you to buy a used one. They can be VERY expensive.
good luck!