There is a lot of confusion over the H1N1 out there. For MOST (not all, but most) people who have contracted it, it is nothing more than the "regular" flu. And from everything I have heard and read about it, by the time the test results are back, you would know whether you have a more severe illness to deal with or not. Also haven't found where any treatment is different based on H1N1 diagnosis vs. non H1N1 diagnosis. Treatment is the same based upon symptoms.
My son is in middle school and it was all over the news how rampant the H1N1 was running thru their school in particular the first several weeks of school this year. My son was sent home with a fever and not allowed back until 2 days later, just based on that alone. Even though he was symptom free. When I read more detailed reports from the local health office, turns out that once they confirm H1N1 is in an area they quit testing for it. So all these "rampant" cases at my son's school were basically guessing and paranoia at work!
As far as the vaccinations go, It is my understanding that the "regular" flu vaccine is ineffective against H1N1 and the H1N1 vaccines they are coming out with are ONLY effective against H1N1 and not other strains... which are also out there and statistically speaking, you have just as good (bad?) of a chance of contracting a potentially deadly case of "regular" flu. Thousands die from it every year.
I'm not defending your doctor, but I don't see what purpose is served by testing your daughter... if she is ill, treat her appropriately (which you don't need a confirmed H1N1 diagnosis to do as you only are treating symptoms anyway) and keep her home so she is not spreading anything to others. If she is not, then what is the problem?