Call your Pediatrician, but you can start giving it to him but I wouldn't do it exclusively for nutritional standpoint.
He still needs the added calories of formula or breast milk. If he is nursing at least four times a day and eating all regular meals he is probably just fine. Make sure he does drink enough to have six pee diapers at least a day too. If you are done breast feeding (which is fine by the way if you can't you can't, so please don't stress about that) there is formula for toddlers and there is pediasure (which is pricey). I would just call your Dr and tell him what he is eating and taking in and have them okay putting him on whole milk. My son transitioned to whatever we ate exclusively at 10 mos and was drinking two sippy of milk at this age, I did give him three bottles or four of formula though to make sure he was getting what he needed.