When my little boy went into a toddler bed he had never even tried to climb out of his crib, so I think he thought that he wasn't ever supposed to get out of his bed. We did it as 18mos. for some reason, I don't know. He never even tried to leave the room until he was 4. I would have to go and get him. Anyway. I was always prepared for the getting out and crying and playing and what not. We put a door knob cover on the door so he would never be able to get out and roam the house. But if he were to ever get out of bed I would have put him back in his bed over and over until he stayed. I have seen that on the "Supernanny" show and it always seemed to work. Consistenty and Persistance seems to be the key. And no talking when you go back in to put them in their bed. 1st time say-Time for bed. I love you. Goodnight. Or whatever you say normally. Then the 2nd time. Time for bed. Put them in and that's it. Walk out close the door. 3rd time and for every time after--say nothing. I would do that especially if they are playing. I wouldn't take out their toys though. They need to learn that that's their room with their stuff, but when it's time for bed. It's time for bed. Hope this was helpful! Good Luck!! Mel