He slept 5 hours straight at 3.5 months in his crib and is nursing, that's pretty good based on my experience with two babies...neither slept like that until closer to 6 months. I kept mine in our bedroom in a bassinet for about 5 months before moving to a crib, one I continued to swaddle, the other preferred just a sleep sack. I think he's still just really young, give it time and he'll start sleeping longer. Since he's nursing, he's probably going to hit a growth spurt soon and may sleep less/eat more for a week and then start sleeping longer. I'm not sure that putting the cover to the swing in the crib is the safest thing to do, I would stick with just swaddling him and he'll get used to it. I know it's tough when you're not getting much sleep but it's not forever and goes by fast, hang in there!