I had the same trouble when my daughter was transitioning into a toddler bed. Personally, I would take the crib apart and take it out of the room. He won't see it and it might not be as big of a distration. He's probably not sleeping as well in his new bed, but will get used to it. Switching back and forth might be worse for his sleep. Also, if you take the bed away now, when baby boy 2 comes along, your son won't even remeber that the crib was "his." We have three kids under the age of 4 and have done this twice already. Its not easy, but stick with it. Be firm and he will learn to like his new bed. The idea of him picking out his sheets...that worked for us bith times! We took our child to the store and let them pick out the sheets he/she wanted. It made it really special for them to sleep on them. (If your son likes a particular character/theme, look ahead at the store you want to take him to and make sure they have something YOU like :o) Good luck!