As of Wednesday, we are DEBT FREE!!!!
We started working his program 16 months ago & with closing on the sale of our house Monday before last, the sale of my "Fleeced" 2006 Odyssey- which I adored, "kicking out" Sallie Mae, destroying credit cards, the purchase of a $10,000 '01 Toyota Sienna- which got paid off when the house sold, we've paid off over $258,000! We are better communicating with each other about finances & many other things now. I feel like a real-live grown-up for once in my 37 years. My financial priorities are finally in order, and it has made a huge difference in my self-esteem. We have moved into an apt. for the next 5 months or so, just b/c hubby's making a career change & we're trying to be flexible if a move needs to happen. However, by making the decision to go into an apt. for a while- I'm even willing to extend that to 1- 1.5 years- we will have our emergency fund completed & be able to rebuild the funds taken from our house sale to fund that & pay off the van in a snap, so we'll have 20 or even 30% ready to put down on a house when we do buy again.
Before the career change became an issue, we were selling our $250,000/ 3100 sq. ft. house in Keller, and preparing to move into an approx. 2500 sq. ft., $190-200K home... not because we had to, we make about $100k/ yr., but because the down-sizing was ENOUGH. We have discovered that there is a fundamental difference between wants & real needs. Just b/c we can make a payment on something does not mean we should have it or need it. That is a very important message most of our grandparents knew, but our parents & we have forgotten or never learned. Bigger is not better, and most of the time it is completely superfluous- often ridiculously so!!! I think the thing that I have grasped more than anything else from his program is the essence of being a Christian in principle, not just in name. A Christian is should not excessive in their life, cars, homes to the detriment of savings, emergency preparedness (on several levels)and their spirituality; a Christian is not concerned with what the "Jonses" are doing- they should recognize the blessings they have and learn to be content; a Christian is a good steward over his blessings- his property, family and income- he does not waste these things or treat them lightly; a Christian is joyful in all of these things and gives to others in need freely b/c he has been careful with all of the above- which reflects directly upon the strength and depth of his belief in Christ.
I was a born spender & drove my hubby nuts with the waste of our funds; the more he made, the more I wasted. I listen to 570 am all day while I work & the summer before last when Ramsey's show started on 570, I was furious!!! I didn't want some "Mortgage Home Hour" interrupting my work day flow, and I wanted Dr. Laura on. I even wrote the station manager, telling him I'd rather have a gun in my mouth than listen to this "crap" in the middle of my work day! (give me a break...I'm a "sensitive" artist) But one day 2 months later, I was working & couldn't get to the radio to change the channel after Bill O'Reilly went off, and I actually LISTENED to about 20 minutes of Dave's show... and the rest is history. It was the right message at the right time, and it has made all the difference for me & my family.
Dave will be at Reunion Arena NEXT Saturday, the 23rd. If you can get tickets, go. It is truly life changing!
Best of luck to you!