My daughter just lost her first tooth (at age 6). My first daughter lost hers at age 7. It really varies though from child to child. I've heard of children losing their baby teeth at age 4 also.
At what age do children normally lose their baby teeth? My son is almost six and just got a loose tooth while eating an apple. In case you are wondering, it is his bottom right front tooth (sorry, I do not know the technical name). So, do you think it was the apple's fault, or is this normal?
The tooth fell out tonight before dinner. It wasn't bloody at all, so I am pretty sure it was ready to fall out. I am going to keep his dentist appointment that I made though, just to make sure that everything else in his mouth is going good. Thank you everyone for your responses, I was kinda freaking out on that first day when I wrote my request. You all helped me realize that this is normal, so again, thank you!
My daughter just lost her first tooth (at age 6). My first daughter lost hers at age 7. It really varies though from child to child. I've heard of children losing their baby teeth at age 4 also.
My son is going to be 6 years old in March. His top front tooth came loose on it's own at the end of November and came out on Dec. 19th. My sister, who is a dental assistant, said that it is totally normal. I was worried because I didn't start loosing my teeth until 2nd grade. I guess I am just a late bloomer. :-) Apparently, I am abnormal.
It doesn't hurt to check with his dentist to make sure it isn't the apples fault . . .just in case.
Good Luck!
As far as the tooth loss goes, your son is right on track! My daughter is six and has lost her two front bottom teeth and the top right front is almost ready to get sent to the tooth fairy!
Sounds like the tooth might have been loose to begin with
P.. It's also time for a dental trip. The dentist
will reassure you; along with suggesting those 6 month
check ups!
Don't worry...nature is doing its "thing"
And don't forget the tooth fairy!!
Some kids loose teeth as young as 4- naturally. I wouldn't worry.
Totally normal - most children generally start losing their teeth at about 6 or 6 1/2, but its common for them to start falling out as early as 5 years.
So, no fault of the apple, it just helped the wiggly process along a little! The bottom two will go first, followed by the tops - but again, some children loose them in no particular order.
Have fun with it!
I believe it is normal. And the front teeth are the first to come in and the first to go. A little early maybe. But primary school it the time to be losing teeth. (1st - 3rd grade) Call your dentist just to see if 6 is too young and if so, could it be an indicator of a health issue that needs to be addressed. (Stress and malnutrition can cause loose teeth in any age) But I wouldn't worry too much.
Kids all loose their teeth at different times. My 1st grader has already lost 4. Their are many children in his class that don't even have a loose one yet. The apple just helped the tooth come out, but unless there is some kind of impact to their mouths, that tooth was ready to come out. It is fun to be the tooth fairy, enjoy, these are the fun years! :-)
Your son is six years old. I've bitten into an apple before I lost my tooth he will e fine Just have hi rinse with warm salt water. You might eve have to do it to..
My son got his tooth nocked out by his older brother. It touch about 1 1/2 years for it to come. Your son will let you know if hes hurting.
I hope this helped some don't hesitat to contak me.
every thing should be OK this happen to a lot of chridren.
love from a friend V.
Sounds like your son is right on track. I have 2 boys, 9 and 7. My 9 year old lost his 2 bottom teeth in 1st grade(age6) and 2 top teeth in 2nd grade(age7). My 7 year old lost his 2 bottoms in Kindergarten(age5) and tops in 1st grade(age6). Both my boys had the hole as we called it (All four missing at the same time). It did make it a little difficult to eat certain foods, but they adapted. My oldest loves corn on the cob, so I spent alot of time cutting it off the cob until his teeth came down enough to eat it again.
I took alot of pictures to use later when they start bringing girlfriends home and to always remember their toothless smiles.
Have fun watching your little boy take this next step to growing up and tell the toothfairy I said HI.