I very well understand your need of sleep and feelings of helplessness, some people shun this idea, but have you tried letting her sleep with you? I am a working mom of three and sometimes I just had to let them into my bed--i can not imagine if I had to go to work on absolutely no sleep--just usually very little :)...Also, from the baby whisperer--Tracy Hogg, E.A.S.Y. It stands for Eat,Activity, Sleep and finally YOU, maybe you could try playt time before bath time, then book and bed...I finally worked out my schedule with my kids and I found that having kids play then clean, then bath and books, helped them calm down quicker, I also turn all elctronic devices off...I read an article that said that anything electronic stimulates the brain to complete restlessness...Good Luck, if this does not help, go back to what you were doing, eventually, I am sure, something will work, and I know that as long as you love, everything else falls into place. God Bless.