Kids are resiliant as someone else said. At 21 mos my daughter got a new baby brother, at 2 years old we moved here to Phoenix from Oregon, through the end of the year, August-January she went through 2 different care providers. January through April a new environment but same provider, March-we moved into a new house, May through June another and now another new one. She is doing amazing, although we still have not potty trained her, but that's more because she isn't ready than anything. She has been through A LOT of change and really I couldn't ask for her to be a better 2 year old little girl. Don't get me wrong she is a challenge, but I don't think anymore than any other kid. I wouldn't worry about the change so much and if she regresses a little on the potty thing, no worries, she'll do it when she's ready! Good luck with the move!