Put him to bed at 8 pm then he might sleep until 7:30
It seems since day 1 we've had problems with my son's sleeping. He currently takes 2 naps a day at 9 and 1 and goes to bed at 7pm. I tried to switch him to 1 nap a day and we did that for a week and he got a cold and went back to the 2 naps a day. We follow all the advice and have a routine at bedtime. But he has gone from waking up at 6:30 am to 5 or 5:30am. Usually it is because he is poopy. :-) But he won't go back to sleep after his diaper is changed, even though I only turn on a little night light. It is really wearing on my husband and I. When he was about 9 months old I even paid a Sleep Consultant to help us and it did't work then either. He just started sleeping through the night without waking up, and now he's waking up too early. Do you mom's have any advice for me? Thank you SO much!
Tired in Omaha, NE
L. L.
Well, he is now 2 1/2 and we are STILL having sleep problems with him. He now takes one nap a day for about an hour and a half... goes to bed at 7:30, but many times doesn't fall asleep until later... still getting up around 5/5:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm at a loss at this point. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. We since had him tested for allergies (allergic to mold), and different allergy meds and nothing works... not even benadryl!
Put him to bed at 8 pm then he might sleep until 7:30
Go to ask Dr. Sears. com. Dr. Sears has NEVER failed me and has done extensive work with sleep. Google his site and ask away!
One way or another, this too shall pass. Parenthood is full of changes...
Good Luck,
Cut out the morning nap! He doesn't need it. He's getting too much sleep! 7:00 bedtime is too early. Put him to bed at 8:00. Put him down for nap at 12:30. He may fuss a bit b/c it will be a change, but do not budge on it and I promise you, he will settle in to a normal routine in a few days. Just stick to your guns. If he fusses, just leave him in the crib until he falls asleep. You are in charge! He needs you to tell him what the routine is. Good luck!! You can do it!