I had my tonsils out at age 23, and it was a veritable nightmare.
They told me to take 2 weeks off work, and I figured after about 2 or 3 days, I'd be lounging at the pool. SO not the case.
I spend the entire 2 weeks sleeping in a recliner because the build up of mucous in my throat and mouth when I slept gagged me so that I couldn't breathe. I'd literally have to scrape it out of my mouth after I slept. It was so painful, too. I lived off of chicken broth and popsicles for the entire 2 weeks as well.
And after the surgery, I had problems swallowing, as food and especially liquids would come out my nose when I swallowed. My doctor said that my tonsils were so huge, that they were doing some of the work of my soft palette. The soft palette apparently closes against the back of the throat when swallowing to keep things moving down instead of up and out the nose. My tonsils were so big, that my soft palette had gotten sluggish and didn't close all the way to the back of my throat because for so long, my tonsils were there, taking up the space. This went on for years. Finally, after several years, that swallowing issue resolved. My soft palette eventually retrained itself.
I tell everyone that if I had it to do over again, I'd put up with my usual multiple sore throats, strep, tonsilitis, etc. each year rather than go through that again. It was awful. And I've had a c section, and meningitis. Neither were half as bad as the tonsilectomy.
I know everyone's experience is different, but that was my experience.