I hear ya! My oldest just turned 7. We didn't start getting him into "technology" until the last year or so. He just got a Wii this past Christmas when he was 6.5 yrs old and that was a very tough decision for us. All of his other relatives have had one for years, but I don't particularly care! He can only play with it when we give him permission and for as long as we allow--so no zombie-ness sets in. Technically, he has a Nintendo DS, but it was a gift from his Nana and does not enter our home--it stays at her house. Before the Wii, he would sometimes play the PS3 with my husband, but that's my hubby's system, not my boy's. He doesn't have an iPod of his own. Doesn't need it. If he wants to listen to music, he either listens to what we're listening to, or one of his own CDs in the stereo or car.
He rarely gets to use the home computer since he doesn't really NEED it (he gets computer skills at school). Don't get me wrong, he knows how to work the keyboard and how to go to websites and how to use the mouse. But he enjoys playing chess and checkers and boardgames in the real world instead. He may WANT to play on the computer, but it's not a necessity to his daily survival.
My opinion is that we all survived just fine and have gotten computer and technology skills without having to live and breathe it when we were kids.
Bottom line is that even if you get your boy technology devices, as the parent, you still have the right to police and control the useage of those things to ensure he remains well-rounded.