gosh, i've never had this problem! but I've heard Dr Phil tell moms that if they get hungry enough, they will eat! I know it's hard to wait until they get THAT hungry!!!
one thing I've noticed is that sometimes when you hand a kid a drink or food, they will refuse it, BUT if they "stumble" upon something sitting at the table, they are more apt to try it. My sister in law was having a hard time getting her daughter to drink water, she only wanted juice... so i told her to leave a sippy of water just sitting out, and see if she'd drink it, and she did!!!
This theory should also apply to food... I would make something, and just set it on the table. See what happens!
another thing to try would be to make the food look fun... you know how at some restaurants, they'll make a face out of the food for the kids meals? maybe try that! they always have cute ideas for that on Family fun magazine's website.
or I have a cookbook called the "sneaky chef" and she hides veggies in everything, including brownies!
one last thing, on the show "the Doctors", Dr Sears also responded to the same problem... and what he did was sit the entire family down to dinner, and they didn't offer the kid any food, they just filled up their plates and dug in... after a while, the kid decided he wanted some too!
here;s another good article http://www.askdrsears.com/html/3/T030800.asp
I hope one of these suggestions works for you! good luck!