Earth's Best has a toddler toothpaste that is safe to swallow. It's for 6 months - 3 years and is a strawberry & banana flavor. My 16 month uses it and loves it.
My son is 3 and has been using the flouride free toothpaste. My doctor recommended him start the fouride toothpaste. I bought him the Toms of Maine Strawberry and he did well with it for a couple weeks. Now he is saying it is too spicy and I tried it and it tastes grainy and would be spicy to him. Any recommendation for a toddler friendly toothpaste?
He does spit it out good. I will get a couple different ones and see what he likes. He drinks the filtered water from the fridge. My doctor just said at his 3 year check up that we can start using that if I wanted. I use more natural products with him, but the Tom's of Maine was very gritty and didn't taste good at all to me.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
Earth's Best has a toddler toothpaste that is safe to swallow. It's for 6 months - 3 years and is a strawberry & banana flavor. My 16 month uses it and loves it.
My son is the same way. He likes the Aquafresh kids.
My son likes the Colgate kids toothpaste that's blue and has sparkles.
My son likes the Colgate strawberry gel (in a gel bottle) toothpaste. (He hates the blue with sparkles toothpaste)
As a pediatric dentist, my first concern is that your son is able to spit thoroughly. If not, he may be swallowing some of the toothpaste. Tom's of Maine Silly Strawberry does contain fluoride, which should not be swallowed as it can affect the enamel of the permanent teeth. Have your son practice spitting with plain water as often as possible. Once you are confident that he is spitting out all the water, he can start to use a fluoride toothpaste. Otherwise, stick to one of the toddler toothpastes (these can be swallowed without harm and do not contain fluoride).
Assuming your son does spit, try different kid flavors until you find the one that suits him. It may take several attempts. Both Crest and Colgate have kid-friendly flavors that are gel-based, rather that paste. Kids that can spit should be using fluoride toothpaste.
Eventually, he may be able to return to Silly Strawberry, as his taste changes.
You may email me with any other questions. I hope this information was helpful.