I just wanted you to know that you are not alone. My daughter (who is almost 3) will sing and talk to herself for hours after we put her to bed. And we put her to bed around 7:30pm. She has sometimes kept herself awake until 10pm!! She, too, used to fall asleep within 15-20 minutes of being put down.
I know she's tired, because I can hear her yawning and her eyes look tired. I have tried putting her to bed at an earlier time, extending her naps and eliminating her naps. I've tried warm baths, soothing backrubs and deep breathing "games." None of these have worked.
I have finally decided to just let go and let her be. I can not force her to fall asleep. My guess is that she's going through a developmental growth spurt and her mind is on superdrive. It's frustrating because I know she needs more sleep, but I figure she'll work through this eventually.
By the way, I do insist on quiet time every day, whether she sleeps or not - I think I need that downtime more than she does!!
Good luck!