First of all, my condolences to you and your daughter. I understand a divorce can be hard - on both you and your daughter. That being said, I think it's obvious why she's coming to you or wanting to sleep with you. She has questiosn and no answers "Why isn't daddy here?" "Where did he go?" "Is he coming back?" etc. As far as getting her to sleep through the night, I do not think that there is a solution for her at this point and in this situation. If I were in your shoes, I'd take every advantage to explain to her what is going on - in her own terms. Explain that her daddy loves her but just is away for now and you do not know when he'll come back. If you realize (or he tells you) he is not coming back, I suggest both of you going to a counselor/therapist to help her deal with his abandonment. In the meantime, let her sleep with you if she wants. You both need the extra care, nurturing, cuddling and love right now. It won't last forever and it may be just what you both need to help start the healing process. She probably keeps waking up to ensure that you, too, are not going to leave.
Good luck and you and your little one will be in my thoughts and prayers!!