Our 2.5 year old grandson goes through "stages"...he doesn't want to eat much for days and then suddenly he eats everything in sight!!! My daughter has found that she has a much better day if she just allows him to "graze" on snacks and things through out the day instead of expecting him to sit down and eat 3 meals a day with his Mama and Papa. It keeps a toddlers blood glucose levels more even if they eat multiple small meals during the day...which helps eliminate melt downs and temper issues.
She makes fresh,healthy foods readily available to him, bunches of grapes, a small bowl of fresh blueberries, hummus and pita chips, baby carrots, deli sliced meat, cheese and crackers.
Don't make meal time a battle...she has plenty of time to learn to sit at the table and eat her dinner while she socializes with you. Let him eat what she wants and when she is done, set her down and let her go play. Your goal should be pleasant meal time experiences..not clean plates!!
Maybe you could let her be involved with the meal preparation. Our Grandson loves to help mix things or dump ingredients together in the bowl. Let her have some choices..."do we want corn or green beans with our meat loaf tonight?". Get her involved...let her feel like it is "HER" dinner too!! She might surprise you!!