Hello N., For now, I say honor your daughter's body language completely and quietly accept her behavior as her way of expressing she is fearful. Trust that her perception of water reflects some past experience with it. It could be as your first responder said that when she was much much younger, the sight/sound of the drain frightened her, or she may not like the sensation of imbalance when self-regulating to stand/sit in water, or the sensation of water on her skin...there could be many sensory reasons 'why'. I suggest you offer your daughter warm/cool child-sized washcloths and allow her to self-bathe every now and then on a towel in the kitchen, or give her a favorite doll to bathe outdoors (or in). Does she have a special teddy or something perhaps that needs bathing? Have you tried bathing with her? Meanwhile, respect her fear and support her in small ways to get past it by NOT drawing attention to her fear by appearing worried or concerned (kids read facial expressions more than we realize) but rather, while honoring her fear respectfully by not forcing her into what she thinks is a 'scary' situation, just smile and say something like 'Hmmm. No tub? How about washcloth then, please?' and move on. Try not to draw attention to the negative, and turn the negative into positive sensations for her. She'll figure a way to self-calm herself around water/tubs/pools etc. once she feels secure that you're not going to push or coax her into situations she has labeled 'fear'. Good luck! Be Peace. N.