Every person here is telling you different information. This is one of the reasons the Powers That Be decided in part to discontinue medications for children under 6 years of age. Each parent decides "how much" medication is right for their children and children died from these decisions. Medications made for older children or adults are not formulated for smaller bodies. They don't break down the same and can become toxic. You need to follow the guidelines set by your Pediatrician.
The things you can do yourself are:
Give warm steamy showers 3-4 times a day to wash off any allergins and to loosen phlem and mucus.
Use Saline spray formulated for small children, follow the directions.
Give Tylenol, wait 4-6 hours, give Motrin, wait 6 hours, give Tylenol, etc...
Have a humidifier running all the time with Spring, Distilled, or Drinking water in it, the chlorine in tap water really stinks and builds up in the humidifier system.
I will tell you about my trip to the ER where my granddaughter was really sick and I found out it was toxic build up from Homeopathic teething tablets. The ER doctor told me if he found out I was still giving her anything not prescribed by a physician he could turn us in to child welfare for child endangerment. Please understand, most of those drugs are for adults not toddlers, their weight or size has nothing to do with their metabolism and their ability to precess these drugs.
Here are some links:
CNN reports on the "Why" about discontinueing meds.
Here is an article on babycenter.com about what you can do.