My son did the same thing and it didn't last too long. I would keep doing what you are doing telling him in a stern voice "no bite", but you could also try ignoring him for a minute and not giving him attention after he bites. Even if he is too young to sit still in a time out location you can still give him a time out just in a different way. By not paying attention to him when he does something that is not acceptable to you is like putting him in time out. My son is very stong willed and anytime I tell him "No" he challenges me more. He would keep biting if I told him "No", so instead of saying anything, I would immediately get up and leave the room and put up the baby gate so he could run after me, and ignore him for a minute. It didn't take him long to realize that if he bit me I would not give him attention, which is what he was after anyway. I wouldn't bite you son back, because he may think it is acceptable to bite because you do it too. Good luck.