Beleive or not, I ordered mine from Walmart.com. It was good quality and lasted the entire time my son needed it.
my 20 month is in need of a toddler bed. She is in the room with us , so it can't be too large. Anyone know where to purchase one? I would need a good mattress too! Thanks
Beleive or not, I ordered mine from Walmart.com. It was good quality and lasted the entire time my son needed it.
There are many toddler beds available.Make sure they are durable, stable and most of all safe with good guard rails.The bed needs to be well constructed with stable legging and non-toxic finishes, important! Check out www.toddlerbedandmore.com for a great selection of safe beds at good prices!Good luck on the transition!
If you have a crib mattress that will fit the toddler bed so no need to buy a new mattress. Walmart has some pretty inexpensive ones, and garage sales, craigslist etc are also options.
You can get them just about anywhere. Walmart, Target, etc. If you want to spend more money, any furniture store. Any store like that. They have some real cute stuff at Ikea if there is one near where you live.
craigslist is a good bet too.
My girlfriend and I went shopping recently for a toddler bed. Surprisingly, our local Walmart did not have any. You're best bet, might be a Babies-R-Us. (Note: Better Bedding does not have them).
Your crib matress will fit into toddler bed frame.
Walmart, Target , even toysrus. they range from $100 and up. I have the simple wood color one. My son is turning 4 and it is in great condition, actually this was given to me. I had purchase the same bed for my daughter 7 years ago, not knowing I was going to have another child down the road. I purchase the matter at Target.
Target has a lot of nice toddler beds that are reasonably priced.
We bought my son's toddler bed from Walmart about a year ago and it has been great. I was a little leary because the price was so great, but I was pleasantly suprised. It is very sturdy and really cute! You can buy a regular crib matress to fit in the toddler bed.
If you buy a toddler bed then most times the crib mattress will fit in the toddler bed. I bought my sons toddler bed through walmart. I did site to store so there was no delivery charge. I checked online for the bed that I wanted for him and they had to best price. Good luck