Hi Theresa,
It's great that you want to help your kids be well-behaved! However, what a three years old and 16 month old are developmentally able to comprehend at this age might be a little lower than your current expectations. :)
It's often hard to figure this out, especially if you have a really verbal little three year old. Sometimes, I find myself forgetting how little my daughter is because she speaks so well. I forget she hasn't the same ability to internalize my instructions or manage her emotions.
It's important to understand where our children are developmentally at this age as well and what we can reasonably do for and expect of them as a parent. And, knowing the difference between discipline and punishment is a huge help in motivating our kids to learn to behave.
The "free spirit" your kids are exhibiting is normal childhood curiosity, a God-given gift that helps them to explore the world and develop their minds and bodies. It's our job as parents to provide a safe, healthy environment to do that exploring.
So...this means you'll need to watch them pretty closely at this age when visiting at a friends' house. Don't expect them to play and follow instructions without supervision while you visit with the adults. If they get into something they shouldn't, get down on their level and gently remove them from the situation to redirect or provide a fun alternative.
It's important to recognize the difference between discipline and punishment. Discipline is helping a child figure out the way he or she SHOULD go while punishment is telling them what they've done wrong. Constantly punishing a child, especially such a small one, is discouraging to them as they figure out what right and wrong are.
Our goal for our kids should be to develop in them an internal self regulating system that will help them to make right choices because they recognize what's right and want to do it, not because they're afraid we'll take something away or punish them.
Hopefully, as we learn to discipline our kids and teach them how to make the best choices, they'll begin to realize that listening to mom & dad results in fun rewards. At three years old and 16 months, praise and fun are the best motivators.
You're probably doing a lot better than you think, Theresa.
Good luck!!!!