We have started the "then" concept with my 2 year old. We eat THEN play on the swing. We take a nap THEN have a treat. We go in the car THEN when we are home play cars. THEN, THEN, THEN. My life is goverened by this talk. It's fun and works well. He understand one step at a time (no more than 2 - sometimes). But, he get's it. He has started doing it back to me to get what he want's too it's so funny. Kaden eat THEN get treat. He starts laying out his own rules and most of the time I go with it. He he set the expecation then I will allow his reward most of the time. It's worth a try - it took about a week to really set in. Good luck.
Works with daddy leaving for work. Dada go to work THEN Kaden play. Kaden play outside THEN dada home :)