The thing about HBP (high blood pressure) is that it does not age discriminate. I was diagnosed at 22. I weighed 130 lbs at 5'4. Active...very active I waited talbes and worked out everyday. Played softball, volleyball, danced...I am now 34 and struggle still with it and will for the rest of my life. As long as you take the medication, and do the things the doctor advises you will be ok.
The thing about the HBP medications is that many of them work form some people and many of them don't. I have tried several kinds...currently I am on Linsinopril and absolutely love it. However, be careful of the amount of salt you intake on this one. It can cause a lot of unnecessary side effects. Drink tons of water too.
PM if you ever need anyone to chat with about it. I've been living with this for 12 years and far too many people believe it's a 40+ health is not.