To Leave or Not to leave...its a Day Care Question.

Updated on January 31, 2012
T.T. asks from Joshua, TX
7 answers

Well, I guess this is more of a "poll" than it is anything but here it is in nutshell form:

My son was at daycare A and had some problems with discipline. We pulled him out and into daycare B before they could "remove" him.

So he's been in day care B since October. And I hate it. They are DEFINATELY not daycare A. They are lax in their sign in/sign out stuff, there is little to no communication other than a monthly calendar and I feel like Im on the outside looking in. At Christmas, they "forgot" that I brought stuff for their xmas party, they "forget" to tell me about acitivities and we get the new calendar that lists all the kids birthdays for the month...and LOW AND BEHOLD...yeah, his name's not on it...sigh.

Now we have the option of moving him back to day care A. I LOVED that daycare. They spoke to me. Treated me like family (once removed) and every time I see the teachers, they ask me when I'm going to be bringing my son back. Only problem is, odds are he'll have to move BACK to daycare B in August when he goes to school.

So what would you do? He is ok at both schools. DayCare B has field trips, spanish class and Mr. Music that come, daycare A doesn't. Am I haven't a bout with "homesickness"?

Should I just suck it up and deal with the school he's in? Or should I move him to the daycare who has openly communicated?

Or should I just go make a tastey beverage and forget the whole thing? Thanks for the input.

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answers from St. Louis on

I would consider that no amount of perks like unneeded languages and music are as great as them knowing you are a person as is your kid.

I would say move him back and then have the tasty beverage you spoke of.

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answers from Phoenix on

I vote for the tasty beverage! :-)

Seriously, make the choice that is best for your son (not just you). I totally understand the frustration of trying to work with a business/day care that is incompetent and poorly run. But, as a parent, I also have to view things from my child's perspective, which would be something like this: its a building with four walls where I get to see my friends and make crafts and play on the playground. My point is that kids can care less about politics.

Which place is your child happier at? Will all of the back and forth cause disruption in his life and contribute to behavior challenges?

If you stay with Daycare B, then you just have to step up your game and keep them on their toes.

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answers from San Diego on

Have you made an honest attempt to engage them in communication? Have you asked them for the best time to talk with them about things? Communication is a two way street.

A few years back I had a big parting of the ways with a family I was with. The mom was a real chatty Kathy and it doesn't take much for me to be too. Every single day of the week she stood around talking as long as 30-40 minutes in the morning. It was a rare thing to get her out of the house in less than 20 minutes. But then dad picked up in the afternoon and wanted me to be all chatty with him too. I don't have the same ability to connect with a guy and he was kind of an odd duck. In fact, he made one of my daycare babies cry everytime she saw him. Not only that, but the dad called in the middle of nap time every single day for TWO YEARS! I tried in so many ways to make him understand that he was waking up kids, pulling me off the toilet, and interupting the only peaceful time I ever got.

It was entirely unrealistic to think that I can give everyone in my care the kind of time that family was sucking from me. They eventually left and cited non-communication!!!!

Mistakes are one thing. Not being as organized is what it sounds like you are dealing with. If you are not realistic, no one will make you happy. I say try a little harder. Find at least one person in this daycare that you can connect with and ask her how you can best keep in touch with them.

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answers from Chicago on

I would move him back to daycare A for now. In August, I would try to find a different situation than daycare B for after school care.

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answers from Phoenix on

Have you talked to the teachers & director at school B? Sometimes miscommunications happen & no one is made aware, so the issues can't be fixed.

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answers from Wausau on

As a daycare provider, If both parent/s and provider are not on the same page, it's time to brake the ties. If you are not 110% happy you need to put in your notice like a month ago. Find somewhere else and play it by ear in Aug.

Question though? Did you check in with daycare A or did they call you? If they called you my guard would also be up that they are low on numbers and that's why they need to fill the spot, and then what happens if your some shows the same discipline problems and your on the fence again?

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answers from Dover on

If you are unhappy enough to pull your child from B now, why would he end up back there when he starts school? That seems ridiculous to me. The lax on signing in and out would worry me if it is an indicator that they don't pay attention to who is picking up the children. If they don't insist you sign them in or at, that is there issue not yours.

If you pulled your son from A due to his behaviror and trying to prevent them from "kicking him out", why do they want you to bring him back? What makes you think you won't have that problem again?

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