Our blended family is made up of his, mine and ours. So we've done both routes. I had wanted to be a first grade teacher when I started college but never finished. One day my junior high (7th grade) stepson came home from school with something he learned in school that was against what we believed and taught our kids. My sister in law was homeschooling her 3 children in CA so we started to look into that with another sister in law here who was also interested. This was in the early 90's. We four went to a homeschool seminar to get our info - went to quite a few workshops, listened to some speakers and my husband who wasn't as big on the idea as I was came away from that weekend sold.
So I started teaching our 3 year old to read. She has always been a good student, wanting to learn so it's been a good route for her. We dual enrolled her with the public school system so she could participate in electives (Art, P.E., Music) and sports if she chose. I did the basic academics, etc. at home. I also wanted her to know what it was like to be in a classroom setting so she wouldn't freak out one day when she would be in that situation. We joined homeschool support groups and did activities with them so she had the *socialization* plus we come from a huge family (there was no social issues here lol) We mainly used Abeka books which we would buy at an Abeka display each summer - it cost an average of $120/year. We used the library quite a bit too and in the pre-school/early elementary years I just bought some workbooks from Walmart or KMart. She always tested out 1 or 2 grades ahead of what I was teaching her and was a 3.9 to 4.0 student in public high school. She is in her last year of college and has kept a 4.0 there also.
We were happy doing this...we did our lessons in 2 to 5 hours (depending on the year, the day, the month or whatever was going on) - it was OUR schedule. We loved the one on one time and she is very close to her dad and I. If we had to run errands, she would also do her work in the car and we took her books along on vacations cos she wanted to. lol We would "teach" her different things about anything at all times - lots of conversations about lots of topics/issues.
I believe due to this, my second daughter chose to homeschool her 3 children and has done an excellent job of it. She chose to use a CD program after using books for several years.
Email me with any questions you might have.