Hi – My daughter had a helmet for 3 months due to her asymmetry. When she was 6 weeks we found out she had Congenital Torticollis (a shortened muscle in her neck). We immediately started physical therapy and her range of motion improved dramatically over the next few months. By 6 months she had 95% range of motion but her head was flat on one side and her forehead popped looked crooked on the opposite side. I kept thinking it would be fine once she got some hair but my husband wanted to fix it. Her pediatrician said that she had moderate asymmetry and he sent us to Dr Trumble, a neurosurgeon in Orlando. He basically told us that it was cosmetic and that insurance probably would not cover the helmet. ($2,000) In addition we were told that if we didn’t do anything she could round out on her own a bit, but if we waited much longer we wouldn’t be able to get the best results with a helmet. I was very upset and didn’t want to do it. I even told my husband that if our daughter had to wear a helmet I wasn’t leaving the house with her. I didn’t want people to ask questions and stare at her. After speaking with another mom in the Dr’s office she made me feel better. She said that the results outweighed the anxiety of having the baby in the helmet. She said that in the first week the results were just amazing. After crying….for hours I decided to do it. I am so happy we did!!! After the first week it was such a noticeable difference. I guess I never noticed how misshapen her head was before the helmet. After 3 month we took the helmet off and our daughter has a round head now.
The advice that I can offer is that the time goes very fast and it is much worse for you then it will be for your son. People did ask questions…when people would say what’s wrong with her? I would simply say that her head wasn’t round. Most people would accept that and keep moving. I did notice that people would look at my daughter with very sympathetic faces and then look away from me. I can only imagine what they must have been thinking. My father kept saying that I should tell people I was afraid of dropping her on her head, LOL! If you decide to get the helmet I suggest that you take if off when your son eats. It stains easily and even rubbing alcohol won’t get it off. It is a huge commitment for you and your husband. Going for fittings once a week for the first few weeks and then about every 10 days after that.