I would drop the bottles in favor of the cup all at one fell swoop. You'll get a lot of resistance, but if he can drink water in a cup, he can drink the milk in the cup too.
What I wouldn't do is drop the formula at the same time. Instead, insist on him drinking the formula out of the cup. Right now, before a year gets here, start making the formula get cooler and cooler in the bottle, until he is drinking cold formula. Put finger foods on his tray along with the puffs and other stuff he likes. Even if he doesn't eat it, put it there. Don't push him.
Put a cup on his tray with cold formula too. He might take some, he might not. But it's there and he knows it is becoming "usual".
By the time he is 13 months old, if you have successfully transitioned to cold formula, drop the bottle. Pack them up and put them away so that it is HARD to get to them. On purpose, mom. Then it's just the cup of formula. When he is finally taking the formula out of the cup, and he will, start adding an ounce of 4% milk into the formula. He probably won't notice the difference in the taste. Do it for a couple of days. Then add 2 ounces, and as he gets used to it, add another ounce. At some point, there's no more formula. And you are home-free.
My daycare helped me a lot with this because there were no bottles in the 1 year class, plus my ped was adamant that I get off the bottle. So they stopped making the bottles warm first, and then offered cups, along with me doing it at home, and then I pulled the night time bottle and fed him a snack and gave him a cup instead. As soon as he went into the toddler room at 13 months, (they waited a month because he wasn't walking yet), no more bottles at either home or daycare. It was much easier because it was reinforced in both places.
As far as the food is concerned, you're pushing that too hard. Do bottle thing first. The food thing will come, I promise. If by 14 months you are still having trouble with the food, write me, okay?
Good luck!