TMI Tampons...

Updated on February 23, 2011
R.. asks from Cleveland, TN
22 answers

Sooo... I have been having my cycle for the last couple months after having my DD. I have been using the same brand of tampons since I was in high school. My problem is that I think things got a little 'rearranged' down there... the tampons barely work now! I will put one in, then less than an hour later notice that it's leaking. So I change it, thinking that maybe I just have a heavy flow after having had a child, but the tampon isn't even close to being 'full'. (there are still big white patches on it...) It's like the flow just bypasses the tampon. blegh. I'm just curious if other mothers have had this issue... and if so, what kind of tampons do you use? I'm also thinking about trying out the dixie cup... so any info on that is appreciated. Thanks, and sorry for the TMI! (BTW... I use the Tampax pearl tampons...)

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answers from Modesto on

I remember that same thing happening to me as well with "tampax". I switched to the playtex ones and they held better.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Nashville on

I use the same kind but not the 'pearl'...and sometimes have the same issue. I wonder if they make them differently now. Try the super or super plus and wear a liner in case of leaks. I have not found any other brand that works as well.

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answers from San Francisco on

I like playtex. They still work great after 2 kids.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I have the same problem with any tampax product playtex seems to work better for me and seems to be more comfortable

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answers from Los Angeles on

I use those too and notice that I always leak on my heavier period, the tampon isnt always saturated either. The sports ones are amazing but hurt coming out if they arent soaked. I use the Playtex ones now, they're ok.

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answers from Nashville on

I had the same problem after the birth of my son 2 years ago. I use the same brand as you. The regular size was very uncomfortable, painful to wear, and for a while I had to go down to the Lites. If it's any consolation, everything has since gone back to "normal," after an adjustment period.



answers from San Francisco on

I've never been able to use tampax b/c of leakage. Playtex just works better for me.



answers from Victoria on

Well, good luck to you cause I can't do them since giving birth. I tried diva cup & no matter how clean I am about it, I get severe kidney infections every time. Sorry I can't help you. Congrats on the baby though.



answers from Dallas on

I had that problem with Tampax after kids too. I use Kotex now, I think they are little bit wider.



answers from Dallas on

WOW! Thank you for posting this!!! I thought it was just me! (This site rocks.) I feel like a light just came on - and to think I've had my period for 20 years.... I'm so excited now!

I have had these types of issues for years, YEARS! I, honestly thought that I was just resigned to wearing a pad and a tampon and just to deal with it. I have these awful, scratchy, cheap panties that I can just throw away after each cycle because I don't want to ruin my nice ones. And working out with "double" protection? Oh - just shoot me!! Grrr... I've even been really interested in having an ablation to not have to deal with the problem anymore (have 2 kids, family is complete).

I am going to look at OB and Playtex (although I tried Playtex when I was a teen and didn't like their strings - too hard to grab and hold, maybe they have changed in 15 years?). I'm also interested in trying Seventh Generation because our family is on a mega diet change/organic/granola-y kick and I like the idea of the product I'm actually putting in my body being a good one. And what's this about a cup? That has to be no fun to change... I'm checking this out too.

***Revised - Yeah, I'm going to go with the Diva Cup or the Keeper, after researching. How on earth did I just hear about this?? What a fantastic solution! WIN!!!!!
check this out:

Anyhow, thank you for posting, and for reading my little excitement rant.


answers from Provo on

You bet I can't use the same kind! That is why I now use a Diva cup. It forms to my "curves" and leaks are no more!



answers from Jacksonville on

I've never been able to use Tampax because of the way they fold the cotton, it causes me to leak and it feels uncomfortable in me. I'm a huge fan of Playtex!! But their sport version is skinnier than the regular kind. Your vag muscles might be week after having a child so try doing the kegal exercises and see if that helps tighten things up down there. Sorry if it's TMI!! Congrats on the baby :)




answers from Seattle on

Both OB & Kotex expand outward (kotex started copying OB a few years ago), instead of up/down.

I REALLY like OB... they not only expand outward, but also have grooves in them to both suck the blood into the core AND they don't expand uniformly (kotex expands uniformly), they expand to match the shape of your canal. I'm a super plus every hour girl on Tampax, but I can use supers in OB for several hours and not leak. :) :) :) Kotex work in a pinch, but for myself, not as well as OB, although better than my old favorite tampaxs.

OB used to only be the finger insert type. Now they have 2 kinds. OB & OB Pro. OB Pro is the finger insert. The other kind has the applicator. It took a bit to manage the finger thing, but I really like that I can position it right where I want it doing it me'self. That, and they're tiny, so they're easy to carry around with you. There is a glossy net cover over them as well, so they don't get "stuck" if you're having a light day.



answers from Memphis on

I use a "Keeper" menstrual cup and like it.



answers from Baton Rouge on

I used OB tampons and didn't have leakage issues until I started approaching menopause and started flooding like the Nile in springtime. I also used the Diva cup and liked it.



answers from Washington DC on

Thanks for posting this question! I had given up on even trying to use them (tampons) anymore since I had kids, but think I might give a different brand a try! (Made summers really sucky!)
Good luck!



answers from New York on

I tried the tampax pearl and they never really worked for me. I always had to wear a pad along with the tampon (so whats the point?). I swtiched later to Kotex regular tampons and they did a good job preventing leaks. Im more of a 'pads' person, though. I only wear a tampon if i absolutely have to (swimming, ect)


answers from San Diego on

I use OB and really like them.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I've always preferred OB tampons. Tampax never worked well for me. Always leaked.



answers from Lexington on

If you're sticking with Tampons, I'd suggest trying Seventh Generation. They're unbleached and contain no Dioxin (a known carcinogen) although the others do. They still carry the TSS risk. They are all cotton, however, which tends to leave more material behind than the rayon/cotton blend most major manufacturers use. Additionally, my understanding is tampon rayon is made from bamboo cellulose which is incredibly absorbent so a decreased absorbency would be normal with all cotton tampon if you chose to try them.

I myself am interested in the Diva Cup. While I've read tons of positive reviews and some people that seem to just never be able to wear it without pain, I'm questioning the post on her in regard to severe kidney infections. I'd not heard that was a risk and quite frankly it frightens me a little as I've had issue with it in relation to our tap water. Thanks Cdm2kk for the heads up!



answers from Minneapolis on

Playtex! I never have liked the shape of Tampax, didn't work well for me.



answers from Anchorage on

I will only use OB. This last time the store here was out and i had to use Tampax and had the same problem you describe, that never happens with OB.

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