How long has he been at Daycare?
Some kids, get real tweaked/frustrated, because... of ALL the kids there/different personalities/over stimulation and generally, kids this age do NOT have, automatic "coping-skills" for frustrations.
It is, taught.
Also, if he is over-all, over-tired daily... then this makes a young child, pretty much have nil, patience or tolerance for anything and everything, and they get, fussy. Thus, acting out.
YES... being around tons of kids all day, is hard. And yes, even I would get irked. LOL
He is 4.
Sure he shouldn't do that... but that is what kids do, when they don't know "coping-skills" or how to express their frustrations VERBALLY....
Kids this age, also do not have, skillful, impulse-control.
Put it all together, and a kids acts out....
BUT at this age, you need to enforce boundaries and that there is a right and a wrong.
Don't pussy foot around it.
Tell him what he did was wrong. It is not nice. He hurts other kids.
Then teach him how to cope... role play with him.
ie: if he is frustrated.. say so. TELL you or the Teacher.
IF some kid did something to him, TELL the Teacher and explain the best he can.
Teach him, the Teacher is there to HELP him... with any difficulty or things he is irked by.
TEACH him... the other kids are kids too... who are still learning.. and that NO ONE is perfect. But that we all "try our best..." to be, pleasant and not hurt others.
He is getting tweaked at school... because of all the other kids/noises/routines/over stimulation.
But you cannot always avoid that.
Once he starts elementary school.... this may or will happen too. There are other kids, there. It can't be helped.
Teach him HOW to communicate, his irks.
Teach him that it is okay to be grumpy or happy... but to SAY it with his words.
He is old enough to know that.
My kids since they were 2 years old, I taught them this and the names for their feelings etc.
My son is now 4 almost 5... and he knows his feelings and irks.... astutely.
He will TELL me "Mommy, I am irritated now. I want to be by myself." I let him. Then he feels better and he is back in the groove. He also knows the difference between him being "grumpy" or "irritated" or "frustrated."
The point being: he KNOWS himself and his emotions...and how to convey that and communicate it. AND how to tell me/daddy, if he needs our help or to commiserate.
A kid can learn that, at this age.
Teach him.
Or, maybe a smaller daycare for him?
OR, put him into Preschool. NOT daycare.
But again, once he starts elementary school... there will be, lots of other kids in the mix and in the classroom.
talk with him... about what it is that irks, him.
Validate him.
Then commiserate with him, THEN, tell him that as a 'TEAM' to try his best to be nice... in class. His Teachers, believe in him.... and you too.
If he is irked.... to tell his Teachers....
Role-play with him and give him the actual words/sentences he can use.
Tell him, that just because he is bigger/taller than the other kids, it does NOT make him, "boss" or the bully or stronger or more powerful or better than the other kids. That HE is a kid too.
My son is 4 and 49 pounds and 46" tall. He, is good with the other kids and younger kids at Preschool. He takes care of them.
It has to be taught.